Helping people Celebrate their Significance and the Genius of God in them.
Speaker Author Podcaster Blogger
We’re going to walk in the steps of the Apostle Paul
Join us May 6 - 15, 2026
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Speaker / Author / Podcaster / Blogger

About Rachel:
Hi, I’m Rachel, a child of the Most High God and the apple of His eye. That’s my true Identity! I’m an Encouragement Specialist, Hopeologist and Glory-Contagion.
I am a Spirit-filled woman who believes God is good, He is for us NOT against us! I'm convinced I'm on the planet to encourage, speak life, offer hope and expose lies that block intimacy with God and undermine our true identity. I remind audiences who they are in Christ and help them get unstuck. Audience members leave uplifted with reclaimed hope and joy and new zeal for the journey.
I'm married to Michael who is a fabulous person and my forerunner in life and ministry. We make a really great combo and I'm grateful for our years together. We met in our teens and are both Iowans originally and proud of it!
We have three fabulous grown children Michael, Andrew and Grace, two daughters-in-love; Amy who is married to Michael and Crescent who is married to Andrew and two grandsons, Luke and William. We are so proud of them! Yes, we are empty nesters!
Promotional Bio:
Rachel Inouye's transparency and authenticity in her relationship with Christ makes an impact on the lives around her. She is a gifted communicator with great ability to articulate and apply God's Word in everyday language for everyday situations through stories and Scripture. She desires to encourage women in their relationship with God. As a former educator and home school mom, she loves teaching. She is energetic, eager and in love with her Lord. She brings radiant enthusiasm to the things in which she is involved.
She is married to Michael and has two sons, Michael and Andrew, one daughter, Grace, two daughter-in-laws; Amy married to Michael and Crescent married to Andrew and two grandsons, Luke and William. Rachel attends World Impact Ministries in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you are looking to invite Rachel for a speaking event or would like to leave us a message, please visit the Connect! page and we’ll get back to you shortly. -Thank you!